Recently, we have seen an increase in requests for best practices for intra-China moves, and we have conducted a Pulse Survey to identify how organizations are managing relocations within China compared to those in the U.S. and other countries. The survey findings identify the types of support offered to employees relocating within China.

Key findings of the survey include:

  • Most participants note that 2023 activity was the same as or higher than 2022, with similar expectations for 2024 activity. One-fifth are not able to quantify their expected 2024 intra-China volume.
  • 84% of survey participants confirm intra-China relocations are either solely or partially managed by Mobility staff in China.
  • 15% of survey participants confirm offering only a lump sum for intra-China relocations, and 85% confirm offering managed relocation services and/or reimbursed expenses. No survey participants report using both approaches.
  • Lump sum amounts were noted from 5,000 to 55,000 CNY.
  • The most common managed services/reimbursed expenses include final travel to the destination, temporary accommodations, a relocation allowance, and shipment of household goods.

For a copy of the full Pulse Survey results, which provides additional details of remote work, volumes, program management, common support offered, lump sum only/managed service offerings, and much more, please contact your Aires representative.

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