A wide variety of employees are relocated each year, ranging from new college graduates all the way to CEOs. Aires recently conducted a Pulse Survey to determine what benefits are offered to the employees that fall on the non-exempt/hourly end of this spectrum. While not all companies offer support at this level, the 45 responding companies that offer support typically provide either a lump sum only (40%) or a combination of managed services/reimbursed expenses/cash allowance (49%). Only 11% offer full managed services/expense reimbursement.

Key findings of the survey include:

  • Just four industry categories make up the majority of survey respondents: financial services, manufacturing/construction, retail/restaurants, and technology.
  • Most respondents offering support to non-exempt/hourly employees have done so for 5+ years.
  • Lump sum amounts offered range from $3,000-$15,000, with approximately half of the respondents noting $5,000.
  • A cash allowance, household goods shipment, and final travel are the most common services offered in a managed program.

Lump Sum Only

The following findings are noted for those clients offering a lump sum only:

  • 64% gross up the lump sum payment
  • While 88% of respondents noted they have not updated their policies recently, 30% stated they were considering changes, most commonly to enhance the program to include additional managed benefits.
  • A repayment agreement with either a one-year or two-year agreement is typically required to receive the lump sum, with 65% of respondents requiring the longer two-year commitment.

Managed Services/Reimbursed Expenses

Aires found the following key information for those clients offering managed services/reimbursed expenses.

  • 80% of respondents offer a cash allowance, with 45,000 being the most common amount offered; 75% gross up the cash allowance.
  • The most common other benefits offered under managed services were:
    • Household Goods Shipment (83%)
    • Final Travel (70%)
    • Home Finding Trip (54%)
    • Temporary Living (48%)
  • Similar to those offering lump sum only, the number of respondents confirming no recent changes to their program is high (92%); 24% anticipate future changes to most commonly include increasing a capped relocation amount and aligning benefits offered with those of other homeowners and renters.

For a copy of the full Pulse Survey results, please contact your Aires representative.


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