In 2021 Aires celebrated its 40th anniversary. One of the ways we commemorated this milestone was with “40 Days of Caring,” a campaign to encourage our employees to take advantage of their company-paid volunteer days and share their unique stories of giving.

After reading these stories, I was inspired! What else can I do to make a difference? I’m already involved locally. Should I be thinking globally? The answer is … ready for it? Do what you can, big or small. The important thing is to get involved.

How you ask? Well, that can be a little overwhelming. If you Google “ways to give” you will be bombarded with numerous websites and countless articles. So, which way is best for you?

Here are two categories to consider:

Go Global

According to Impactful Ninja, these are the 9 Best Charities for International Aid. Click on each to learn more:

Stay Local

You may believe charity starts at home. If this sounds like you, check out this wonderful article on Together We Rise that outlines 7 Ways to Give Back to The Community, these include:

  • Donate your time
  • Perform a random act of kindness for a neighbor
  • Participate in fundraisers and charity events
  • Help a child in need
  • Volunteer at your local senior living community
  • Plant a tree
  • Recycle your plastic at a local recycling center

Are you an Expat? Even though you may be away from home you can still make a change. Five Ways to Give Back as an Expat outlines great ideas for giving back no matter where you are!

I hope this information is helpful to you and inspires you to get involved and remember, as Mother Teresa said, “It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.”

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