Earth Day was established as a holiday on April 22, 1970, as a call for action against the many forms of pollution plaguing the world. Even 52 years later, it feels timelier than ever to heed the call toward actionable change for the planet. Through acts of service and sustainable practices, Earth Day celebrations encourage us to give back as much as we are able.

As the saying goes, “There is no ‘Planet B.’” Because of this, “sustainability” has become somewhat of a buzzword in many industries. The concepts of “carbon footprint,” “green practices,” and “eco-friendly” have cropped up virtually everywhere. You can visit almost any company’s website to read their pledge to sustainability in some form. Companies of all sizes are figuring out ways to make long-lasting and impactful environmental decisions.

So, how can you make changes to act on Earth Day and every day?

Get a Reusable Water Bottle: We all have that friend who brings their reusable water bottle everywhere (it’s me; I’m that friend). But, in all seriousness, according to Case Western’s study on reusable bottles, the impacts of this small act are huge:

  • Reusable bottles contribute to less litter. Americans use about 50 billion plastic water bottles per year and only recycle 23%, meaning those unrecycled bottles end up in landfills or oceans. Plastic bottles take up to 1,000 years to biodegrade!
  • Reusable water bottles save money. Refilling your reusable bottle vs. purchasing new disposable water bottles is a staggering cost savings – think somewhere around $1,756!

Think of the Bees: Did you know that most plants (including vegetables) require pollination to thrive? While there are many different species of pollinators, bees are the most “numerous and efficient” on the list. Bees are also responsible for keeping our waterways clear, contributing to the production of medicines, and supporting many other critical elements to our ecosystem. Sadly, bee populations are on the decline. Here are some ways to help the bees without even leaving your backyard.

  • Make a Water Feeder: In the springtime, putting out a watering station helps the bees stay hydrated and promotes healthy hives.
  • Plant Pollinator-Friendly Flowers: Check out this site for tips on planting a garden that help the bees and your plants!
  • Craft a Bee Habitat: There are many different species of bees; some build hives and some nest in wood or leaves. Here is an excellent resource on building a resting spot for those busy bees in your garden.

Recycle and Reuse: You’ve been hearing this for a while, right? Well, it’s because it’s timeless advice. Examine how recycling works in your area and stick to it. Reusing and “upcycling” is also a great practice. Done with those party decorations? See if someone in your neighborhood will take them. Upgrading your luggage? Donate your old. Simple actions have large impacts. Simple acts have significant impacts.

On a broader scale, Aires gives our clients the opportunity to participate in Carbon Cancel, an initiative to promote sustainable global mobility by reducing our carbon footprint as well as yours. This program consists of two steps: calculating the impact of your program and offsetting that impact.

Calculating Impact: Aires will calculate your program’s carbon emissions for household goods, relocation travel, and temporary housing services to determine your program’s environmental impact. The following is how we will calculate those numbers:

  • Household Goods
    Total driven mileage converted to lbs./kgs of carbon emissions
    Air shipment mileage converted to lbs./kgs of carbon emissions
  • Relocation Travel
    Air travel/driven mileage converted to lbs./kgs of carbon emissions
  • Temporary Housing
    Daily property usage times the number of days converted to lbs./kgs of carbon impact

Offsetting Impact: After Aires calculates your program’s total carbon impact, we will convert that to number of carbon offsets, or ways to essentially “cancel out” the impact your program had on the environment. Clients will then choose a preferred donation recipient and Aires will facilitate the donation payment. Offset funds will be used to fund programs that support the environment, destroy greenhouse gases, and produce renewable energy. Some causes offset funds can contribute to:

  • Renewable energy
  • Protection of our oceans
  • Animals and biodiversity
  • Clean air
  • Reforestation

Remember, big or small, it all counts toward making the earth a better place. Ready to talk about Carbon Cancel? Please reach out to your Aires representative.

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